You are here: http://GordonWatts.com/legal.html
Tip of the Day: You might want to print out this page for further reference and study.
LEGAL, Copyright, Terms & Conditions for The Register:
© 2009 Gordon Wayne Watts | Terms of Use:
There are no trademarks, except where indicated. I published my website for people to read, and thus, it is *not* logical or reasonable for me to lay down any "terms" or "conditions" for people to follow -other than the very bare-minimum basics: you may advertise & link to my website, and you may also print out, copy, use, and publish these materials yourself. The only thing asked is that you give attribution as follows:

  • We ask that you state that the materials obtained herein came from The Register and its editor, Gordon Wayne Watts, citing as your sources the main and alternate links for The Register, e.g., GordonWayneWatts.com, GordonWatts.com, and Gordon_Watts.Tripod.com. That is all.
  • Additionally, FLORIDA STATUTES, Section 559.9335 (18) only prohibit promotion, advertising, or solicitation using a trademark, not private or educational use. US CODE TITLE 15, Chapter 22, (a)(1) doesn't have a problem with nonprofit use such as this -- it only prohibits the use of others' trademarks in commerce type activities. Also, FLORIDA STATUTES, Section 1006.38 (10) and US CODE TITLE 17, Chapter 1, Section 107 allow use of copyrighted material for fair use. Moreover, the international Copyright Act, governing over 100 countries, allows "fair dealing," defined in the Act as copying works "for the purposes of private study, research criticism, review or newspaper summary". Don't forget the First Amendment, which protects: 1. Speech; 2. Press; 3. Assembly; 4. Redress; and, 5. Religion. Translation: it looks safe to copy anything for these purposes, but I disclaim being a lawyer.
    --Gordon W. Watts, Editor-in-Chief

    A few of other announcements:

    The Register's policy on bad language and pornographic photos, comments, etc. is quite clear:
    It is generally unacceptable. One exception is being made, however: Comments that guests post in the guest book (if we have one, and we don't at the current time) are expected to be non-vulgar and inoffensive, but a little leeway is extended to make guests feel at home. I disclaim any responsibility for messages posted, as I can't constantly monitor the board. Concurrently, I reserve the right to edit any comments posted. (I've 'exercised' this right a few times, to give you a feel for things.)

    Also, I disclaim and responsibility for any bad links or images that originate from off site. (For example, a few banners on the front are off site, not maintained by me.) Once, I had a link that I thought was for a radio station I was plugging. It was 'bad' when I put it in, but, later, it was activated to be a link to a porno site! I removed it. But, the guestbook has a 'little' more leeway here.

    In conclusion, I hope to maintain a 'clean' site. If there are any problems, please notify me. I will correct them a soon as possible. Enjoy your visit.

    The Register **Not-for-profit** on line paper-- Gordon W. Watts, Editor & Publisher
    Main Web Site:
    Alt. Web Sites:
    gww1210@aol.com or
    ***** -LINKS TO EXPLORE MY SITE- *****