From: Gordon W. Watts

To: FDLE’s Lakeland and Tallahassee Offices

Subject: Small Typos / ERRATA

Date: Wednesday, 14 February 2007


Due to a combination of computer glitches and human error, I notice that in some versions of the report I submitted, small typos crept in.


Rather than giving you yet another long report with corrections, here are the ERRATA in summary form. I am sorry for the any inconvenience this may have caused.


* Page 2 in paragraph about Reference [B8], I said “retried” a gun.

* It should read someone might have tried to “RETRIEVE” a gun.


* Page 9, 3rd paragraph reads: “…in we haven’t lost our Free Press…”

* It should read: “…IF we haven’t lost our Free Press…”


* On page 11 of some copies, the 4th line says: “most of the relevant pointts about how LPD…”

* Some versions misspell the word “points” due to a random computer glitch.


* The very top of page 13 states: “Lazy copy –using excuses…”

* It should read: “Lazy COPS –using excuses…”

* Right below that error, I ask: “…is that any reason to persecute me –or take use the “lazy route” escape…”

* The word “use” should be deleted to make sense.


* On some version, there are random symbols in the paragraph right below the word “Liars!” If you see these funny symbols, you can safely ignore them. I was not trying to invent new punctuation here; it was merely a random computer glitch.


* In the next to last paragraph on page 18, I neglected to use closing quotation marks

* It should read: “Domestic Violence WITHOUT violence…”


* In that same paragraph on –age 18, I write about “reference [E9], including with this report here…”

* Clearly, I meant to say that it was “included” with this report here.


Although I am sure the reader can get the “gist” of my words (that many laws were broken and many victims were victimized), I am providing this ERRATA here in case there were questions in missing the subtle nuances in language and grammar.


Lastly, I hope I was factually correct in representing my past interactions with various FDLE agents and staff, such as SA Russo, mentioned in this report. If there are any errors or question, please contact me.




* Date: Tuesday, 20 February 2007

* One last typo was found. The last 2 sentences in paragraph 1 of page 8 are ambiguous. They should read:

* “(I had mistakenly thought that I did speak to the highest person in IA, because when I called the number on the public paperwork for IA –which I thought went to the sergeant’s desk –Det. Kelly Collins, the same detective who initially took my complaint, answered the phone.) However, I had not spoken with the highest person in the IA division.